Nature Conservancy Trip to Colombia
A Delightful Surprise
It's tough to figure out where I should start. During late afternoon on Wednesday, February 1st, I received a phone call from my Chapter Director inviting me to join 9 intrepid travelers on a trip to Colombia. The catch was that the trip's departure was on Saturday, February 4th! Can I really be ready to leave for Colombia in two days? Excited and speechless, I made a few phone calls and quickly firmed my eligibility for this excursion. I spent most of Thursday and Friday making phone calls, booking flights and car rides, and most importantly, trying to find any decent guide to the birds of Columbia. I could not locate one online seller that would overnight me a book. Frantic, I finally realized that I should call Michael Scheibel, friend and colleague at The Nature Conservancy. Of course Mike had the exact book that I was targeting, "A Guide to The Birds of Colombia," by Steven Hilty and William L. Brown. The majority of the book was illustrated by Long Island's very own Guy Tudor, who is a masterful illustrator of neotropical birds. I met Mike on Friday afternoon to receive the book. We met at the Town boat slips at the end of Bayport Lane for a gull sunset session. We were able to see a previously reported Glaucous Gull, Iceland Gull, and at least one Lesser Black-backed Gull. Saturday morning hit quickly and so did reality. I am on a plane heading to Colombia.
The List
Thanks for checking out the Colombia Trip! You can click on the Flickr link on the right side of the page to view more photos from the trip. Once you are in Flickr, click on the Colombia 2012 set. The first two images are actually videos of ants. Enjoy and until next time!
It's tough to figure out where I should start. During late afternoon on Wednesday, February 1st, I received a phone call from my Chapter Director inviting me to join 9 intrepid travelers on a trip to Colombia. The catch was that the trip's departure was on Saturday, February 4th! Can I really be ready to leave for Colombia in two days? Excited and speechless, I made a few phone calls and quickly firmed my eligibility for this excursion. I spent most of Thursday and Friday making phone calls, booking flights and car rides, and most importantly, trying to find any decent guide to the birds of Columbia. I could not locate one online seller that would overnight me a book. Frantic, I finally realized that I should call Michael Scheibel, friend and colleague at The Nature Conservancy. Of course Mike had the exact book that I was targeting, "A Guide to The Birds of Colombia," by Steven Hilty and William L. Brown. The majority of the book was illustrated by Long Island's very own Guy Tudor, who is a masterful illustrator of neotropical birds. I met Mike on Friday afternoon to receive the book. We met at the Town boat slips at the end of Bayport Lane for a gull sunset session. We were able to see a previously reported Glaucous Gull, Iceland Gull, and at least one Lesser Black-backed Gull. Saturday morning hit quickly and so did reality. I am on a plane heading to Colombia.
Cartagena, Saturday, January 4th - Day 1
Street in Cartagena |
Exhausted from waking up at 4:00 AM and cramming the Colombia bird book, we arrived in Cartagena at around 3:00 PM. I was traveling with TNC Colleague Marci Bortman, as the rest of the crew arrived on Friday and were out and about exploring the area. When I mention the "crew" I am referring to 8 of The Nature Conservancy's dedicated Trustees, two of whom I have travelled with before on an adventure to Honduras almost exactly 1 year ago, Polly Bruckman and Barbara Slifka, both from the Long Island Chapter. There was quite an energetic group on this trip which added to the experience. Among these folks were John and Susan Ulfelder from the Virgina Chapter, Arch and Laura Brown along with Dick and Jo Hayslip both from The Arizona Chapter. It's always comforting knowing that you are traveling with folks that share the same view and appreciation of life and nature. The company was great. Warm, jovial and enthusiastic about the adventures that lay ahead. It would be an iniquity not to mention our accommodating and knowledgeable TNC leaders from Colombia. Heading up the program was Julio Carcamo who was accompanied by Ivan Gil, and Eduardo Ariza. Finally, we had a trip Tour and Logistics guide named Fernando Rivera who was excellent at his job. Our trip leaders and Tour Guides were perhaps the best hosts I have ever encountered. They were cheerful, courteous and accommodating.
Canal del Dique & Isla Grande
In an effort to prevent myself from turning my blog post into a novel, I have decided to focus on three of the natural areas in Colombia that we visited. These are the areas that gripped my interest. This is most likely attributed to the stunning landscapes and their inhabitants. I will write about the Magdalena River/Canal del Dique, Isla Grande and Tayrona National Forest.
The Magdalena River is gigantic. The drainage basin alone covers nearly 25% of the country's area. The River's headwaters originate in the Andes toward the south end of the Country where it travels about 950 miles north to it's mouth in Barranquilla. On 2/5/12, We traveled by boat through the Canal del Dique, a mangrove lined canal that connects Cartagena Bay eventually to the Magdalena. The Nature Conservancy in Colombia is currently working to protect the Magdalena River through a concept called a Water Fund. The idea of the Water Fund is to reduce negative development impacts on the rivers upper and lower reaches so that it can provide clean water to its eventual recipients. The Water Fund concept has gained a ton of support in Countries like Ecuador, Bolivia, and Colombia and several working funds have been established as a result of private, citizen and federal support. The cutting of the Canal del Dique has resulted in increased sediment loads from the Magdelana River into the Caribbean Sea. The cutting of the canal has also, by itself, caused increased sedimentation into the system . The Conservancy's dedicated Colombia staff is working toward mitigating the effects of sedimentation into this complex by way of the water fund.
The boat ride took us through a meandering mangrove system with our end goal being the destination of Isla Grande, an island located within the Islas del Rosario Complex. The complex is an archipelago system that was declared a National Park in an effort to protect one of Colombia's most important coral reefs on its Caribbean coast. Both the Canal del Dique and Isla Grande produced some excellent bird viewing. Among my personal highlights were yellow-backed oriole, cocoi heron, northern screamer, white-winged swallow, white-crowned pigeon, cattle tyrant, long-tailed tyrant, black-collared hawk, pearl kite and violet-bellied hummingbird and many more!
Tayrona National Forest
Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona quickly became one of my favorite places on planet earth. It's safe to say that this place is "magical." The park comprises about 70 square miles of land and protected maritime reserve. It is part of the Sierra Neveda Range which rolls into the Caribbean Sea. Large, carved out, moss covered boulders line the shores Tayrona. Above the dry coastline lies a humid, higher-elevation forest where 400 bird species have been recorded. Myself, Arch & Laura Brown, Dick Hayslip and our guides, Fernando and David, all embarked on an 8-hour trek through this system.
Sanderlings Escape the Surf at Tayrona |
Species | Date | Location |
Blue-winged Teal | 2/5/2012 | Isla Grande |
Common Gallinule | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Northern Screamer | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Chesnut-winged Chachalaca | 2/7/2012 | Aquarium |
American Flamingo | 2/9/2012 | Salamanca Wetlands |
Brown Booby | 2/6/2012 | Isla Grande |
Maginifcant Frigatebird | 2/4-2/12/2012 | Various |
Neotropical Cormorant | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Anhinga | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Brown Pelican | 2/4-2/12/2012 | Various |
Black Vulture | 2/4-2/12/2012 | Various |
Turkey Vulture | 2/4-2/12/2012 | Various |
Capped Heron | 2/9 & 2/10/12 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Tri-colored Heron | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Cocoi Heron | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Green Heron | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Little-blue Heron | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Great-blue Heron | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Bare-throated Tiger Heron | 2/7/2012 | Aquarium |
Snowy Egret | 2/4-2/12/2012 | Various |
Great Egret | 2/4-2/12/2012 | Various |
Cattle Egret | 2/4-2/12/2012 | Various |
White Ibis | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Bare-faced Ibis | 2/9/2012 | Palmarito - En route to Tayrona |
Yellow-headed Caracara | 2/4/-2/12/2012 | Various |
Great Blackhawk | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Common Blackhawk | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Broad-winged Hawk | 2/6/2012 | Isla Grande |
Pearl Kite | 2/6/2012 | Isla Grande |
Black-collared Hawk | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Roadside Hawk | 2/5/2012 | Isla Grande |
Osprey | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Laughing Falcon | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Sanderling | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Ruddy Turnstone | 2/7/2012 | Aquarium |
Whimbrel | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Solitary Sandpiper | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Royal Tern | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Lauging Gull | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Eared Dove | 2/5/2012 | Cartagena de Indias Rooftop |
White-tipped Dove | 2/5/2012 | Isla Grande |
Common Ground Dove | 2/5/2012 | Isla Grande |
Ruddy Ground Dove | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Rock Pigeon | 2/7/2012 | Cartagena de Indias Rooftop |
White-crowned Pigeon | 2/5 - 2/7/2012 | Isla Grande |
Yellow-crowned Parrot | 2/4-2/8/2012 | Cartagena de Indias Rooftop |
Blue-headed Parrot | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Orange-chinned Parakeet | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Brown-throated Parakeet | 2/7/2012 | Isla Grande |
Squirrel Cuckoo | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Long-billed Hermit | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Violet-bellied Hummingbird | 2/6/2012 | Isla Grande |
Blue-crowned Motmot | 2/11/2012 | Quebrada Valencia |
Rufous-tailed Jacamar | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Green Kingfisher | 2/11/2012 | Quebrada Valencia |
Ringed Kingfisher | 2/5/2012 | Magdelena River/Canal de Dique |
Crimson-crested Woodpecker | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Red-crowned Woodpecker | 2/8/2012 | Cartagena de Indias Rooftop |
Straight-billed Woodcreeper | 2/11/2012 | Quebrada Valencia |
Long-tailed Tyrant | 2/7/2012 | Isla Grande |
Cattle Tyrant | 2/6/2012 | Isla Grande |
Boat-billed Flycatcher | 2/6/2012 | Isla Grande |
Social Flycatcher | 2/6/2012 | Isla Grande |
Great Kiskadee | 2/6/2012 | Isla Grande |
Tropical Kingbird | 2/5 - 2/7/2012 | Isla Grande |
Gray Kingbird | 2/8/2012 | Cartagena de Indias Rooftop |
Dusky-capped Flycatcher | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Venezuelan Flycatcher | 2/6/2012 | Isla Grande |
Streaked Flycatcher | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Western-slaty Antshrike | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Greater Ani | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Great-tailed Grackle | 2/4-2/12/2012 | Various |
White-winged Swallow | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Southern Rough-winged Swallow | 2/12/2012 | Barranquilla Airport Runways |
Gray-breasted Martin | 2/5-2/10/2012 | Various |
Brown-chested Martin | 2/5-2/10/2012 | Various |
Black-capped Danocobius | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
House Wren | 2/7/2012 | Isla Grande |
Rufous and White Wren | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Bicolored Wren | 2/10-2/11/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Long-billed Gnatwren | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Yellow-tailed Oriole | 2/5/2012 | Canal del Dique |
Yellow Oriole | 2/9/2012 | Palmarito - En route to Tayrona |
Yellow-backed Oriole | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Palm Tanager | 2/9/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Blue-gray Tanager | 2/8-2/11/2012 | Various |
Crimson-backed Tanager | 2/10-2/11/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Grayish Salator | 2/6/2012 | Isla Grande |
Pale-breasted Thrush | 2/11/2012 | Quebrada Valencia |
Yellow-legged Thrush | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Bananquit | 2/10/2012 | Cartagena de Indias Rooftop |
Prothonotary Warbler | 2/6/2012 | Isla Grande |
Black & White Warbler | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Red-capped Manakin | 2/11/2012 | Quebrada Valencia |
White-bearded Manakin | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Trinidad Euphonia | 2/10/2012 | Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona |
Saffron Finch | 2/5/2012 | Cartagena de Indias Rooftop |
Thanks for checking out the Colombia Trip! You can click on the Flickr link on the right side of the page to view more photos from the trip. Once you are in Flickr, click on the Colombia 2012 set. The first two images are actually videos of ants. Enjoy and until next time!
Snorkeling the reef at Isla Grande |
Derek Rogers Gainer Off Falls Photo:Dick Hayslip |
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