iScoping With Meopta Equipment

I've been digiscoping birds and wildlife, with an iPhone (iScoping), for almost 2 years now. It all started when I tried to iScope a Vesper Sparrow at Smith Point County Park by manually holding my phone up to my scope's eyepiece. I was amazed at how well the iPhone camera matched up with my eyepiece. Months passed and I began to think of how I could invent some sort of adapter that allowed me to iScope birds with a more "hands free" approach that allowed for instant camera to eyepiece line-up. I spent way too much time fumbling around, trying to find the sweet spot and I ended up missing many birds. I was a little late in thinking I had this great invention idea as I found out that Meopta Sports Optics had already did the work for me! They created the Meopix Adapter. A snug mount that securely fits over your iPhone with a built in mount that perfectly aligns the iPhones camera with your scopes eyepiece.

Many of you may have already seen my post back in early September, 2012, where I described the iScoping process and how helpful the Meopix Adapter has been in allowing me to obtain some great quality images. If you have not yet read this post, feel free to check it out:

Meostar S2 Spotting Scope/20-60X Eyepiece w/Meopix Adapter:
I felt the need to create an updated post that highlights some of my latest images. Many folks have been inquiring about my set up, not only in the field, but also via email. To date, I have grown more familiar with the Meopix Adapter and have spent a great amount of time getting accustomed to this amazing device. As I have stressed in my earlier post, obtaining a quality iScope image with a Meopix Adapter requires a good spotting scope. I now use a phenomenal spotting scope, the Meostar S2 Spotting Scope with Meopta's 20-60X eyepiece. The following images will speak for themselves. Simply put, I find the Meostar S2 Spotting Scope to be in a league of its own, ranked equally, if not better, than the leading optics brands. Since I've been using the above referenced set-up, my images have gotten crisper and cleaner. Remarkably, when increasing zoom to 60X, you lose little to no outer edge whatsoever. If you would like to learn more about the Meostar S2 Spotter, please check out Kenneth Rosenberg's, spot on review:

The following are some sample images that I've obtained using my iScope, Meostar S2 Spotting Scope and Meopix Adapter. Enjoy:
Clay-colored Sparrow

White-winged Crossbill

Pine Grosbeak

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Panama Flycatcher

More Information on Meopix Adapter:
I have been having a blast iScoping. Its quick, accessible, lightweight and perfect for the field. 


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